The BROX Plan eBook

Get the plan that is changing lives. Overcome your body's built in obstacles. First, visualize and make healthy weight loss choices. Lose fat fast with intermittent fasting. Create the life that you desire: Your life, your goals!

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Weight Loss and Health Coaching

We can help! Do you always have trouble staying motivated after that first 2-4 weeks of effort? Effective coaching can help you overcome your personal obstacles and stay focused on your goals! We guarantee results.

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Fitness Products

Step up your home workout plan even in busy schedules. Small changes in your routine can make the difference both mentally and physically.

What We Offer

Since 1993

The BROX Plan


Helping people help themselves.

The BROX Plan is a plan for intermittent fasting weight loss that brings results. We identify the obstacles that keep people from succeeding and help them stay successful. Do you feel like you're stuck with your belly fat? Do you lose the fat, only for the carb cravings to come back three-fold? We identify the causes and bring solutions.

Angelica D. Akers, RN has 10 years of experience working with people who are stuck in their lifestyles and need the extra coaching and encouragement to succeed. This isn't about will power. Changes occur when you can identify your obstacles and triggers; and create new processes that overcome or bypass them.

The BROX Plan uses intermittent fasting to beat back your homeostatic drive, to reprogram your body for a new homeostatic state, and to maintain the better, healthier you.


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Let The BROX Plan help you!